Best Social Media Tactics & Tools for B2B SaaS Leads

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December 20, 2023
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Social media is important for your B2B SaaS business, but how exactly do you use it to attract more leads? The good news is with the right tools and tactics, social media can become your most powerful lead-generation channel. 

The Importance of Social Media for B2B SaaS Lead Generation

Social networks are where your potential customers spend a huge chunk of their time online these days. Based on the latest findings from DataReportal, the average individual dedicates approximately 2.5 hours daily to engaging with social media platforms. This amounts to a total of 864 hours annually, which translates to roughly 36 days or slightly more than one month's worth of continuous social media usage.

For B2B marketers, that means your target audiences - decision makers, executives, and managers - are actively engaging on social media platforms.

By establishing a social media presence, you can reach these audiences, build brand awareness, and drive more traffic to your site. The more people engage with your content, the more leads you'll generate.

Social media also allows you to start conversations with potential leads and build relationships. Engage with followers by replying to their comments, tagging them in posts, and starting discussions around topics they care about. These interactions help to humanise your brand and make genuine connections.

Sharing valuable content on social media, like blog posts, ebooks, webinars, and videos, is a great way to provide value to your audience and capture leads. 

For example, promote a new blog post on LinkedIn and Twitter and include a link for people to download a related ebook or sign up for a webinar in exchange for their contact information.

Staying active and posting consistently on social media is key. Share updates, curate industry news and insights, ask questions, run contests, highlight customer stories, behind-the-scenes footage, employee spotlights, etc. The more you post, the more opportunities you have to engage your audience and generate new leads.

With the right strategy and consistency, you'll gain exposure, build trust, and see significant growth.

Research Your Target Audience and Buyer Personas

To generate leads on social media, you first need to know your target audience inside and out. Do in-depth research on your buyer personas — the types of people most likely to buy your product. Learn their demographics, behaviours, motivations, and pain points.

Dig into analytics data from your website and social media profiles. See which content and messaging resonates most with your followers. Study the questions people ask about your product and industry. The more you understand your potential customers, the more you can tailor your social media strategy to their needs.

For example, if reducing operational costs is a priority for them, share tips and insights on how to cut expenses. If data security is a concern, provide advice on compliance and risk management.

Foster meaningful connections with your audience by actively involving them on social media. Initiate conversations through thought-provoking questions and interactive polls.

Demonstrating genuine interest in their insights and viewpoints resonates positively with individuals. Furthermore, their responses may unveil fresh strategies for effectively positioning your product.

Stay on top of trends in your industry and include that information in your social media updates. Comment on news reports and analyses that affect your target audience. Share the latest innovations and what they might mean for customers. This ensures your brand:

  • Stays Connected: It keeps you informed about current events, showing your audience that you understand their interests and concerns.
  • Get Noticed: Commenting on news reports boosts your brand's visibility and can attract new followers or customers who share those interests.
  • Establishes Authority: Insightful comments position you as an industry expert or thought leader.
  • Builds a Community: Engaging encourages conversations with your existing followers, fostering a sense of belonging among them.
  • Collects Feedback: It's a way to gather valuable input from your audience, helping you improve your messages or products.

Connecting with your target audience on social media requires an ongoing effort to understand their needs and interests. But the payoff — a steady stream of qualified leads. 

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

The social media landscape is vast, so choosing the right platforms for your B2B SaaS company is key. Focus on the networks where your target buyers and influencers spend their time.


As the top network for B2B professionals, LinkedIn should be at the top of your list. Build a company profile and post updates, blog content, event promotions, and thought leadership pieces. Engage with your connections by liking and commenting on their posts. Participate in relevant LinkedIn groups to raise brand awareness. With LinkedIn ads, you can reach new prospects that match your target customer profile.

Content Marketing

While social media platforms come and go, content is forever. Focus on building a blog and optimising content for search engines like Google. Write posts on topics that resonate with your target customers like common pain points, use cases, and industry trends. Promote your content on social media to increase traffic and leads.

Other platforms to consider include:

• YouTube - Create video content like demos, tutorials, and customer testimonials. Promote your videos on other social networks.

• Facebook - Build a business page to post updates, blog content, and event details. Engage with your followers and run targeted Facebook ads.

• Instagram - Post visual content like photos, infographics, and short video clips. Engage with followers by liking and commenting on their posts. Promote your Instagram account on other networks.

• Podcasts - Start your own podcast or guest on other industry podcasts to build brand awareness and share your expertise. Promote your podcast across social media.

Choosing the right mix of social platforms and posting engaging content is key to generating leads through social media. But you also need to drive traffic back to your website where visitors can sign up for demos, content offers, newsletters, and more. 

Combining social media with content marketing and search engine optimisation is the most effective approach for B2B SaaS companies.

Create Engaging Content That Converts

To generate leads on social media, you need to create content that engages your audience and inspires them to take action. Here are some tips for crafting content that converts:

Focus on your audience’s needs and pain points

Target the issues that keep your potential customers up at night. For a SaaS company, this could be things like reducing costs, improving efficiency, or increasing productivity. Create content that speaks to solving these needs and demonstrate how your product can help.

Share educational content

Posts that teach your audience something valuable are always a good idea. You could create blog posts, videos, webinars or whitepapers on industry trends, common challenges, or new technologies. For a B2B SaaS company, this content could cover how to optimize business processes, leverage data to improve decision making or evaluate software solutions.

Use a helpful and empathetic tone

Speak to your audience as though you genuinely want to assist them. Avoid an overly sales-focused or pushy tone. Focus on how you can solve their problems and make their lives easier rather than just touting product features. Using an empathetic, helpful tone will make people more receptive to your message.

Include a clear call to action

End each piece of content with a CTA that prompts your audience to take the next step, whether that’s downloading an asset, signing up for a free trial or contacting your sales team. Give them an easy path to act so you can capture their information and continue the conversation.

Promote your content on social media

Share all of your content on platforms where your target audience spends time, like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Engage with those who like, comment and share your posts. Run social media advertising campaigns to increase visibility and drive traffic back to your content. Promoting your content is key to generating new leads and converting readers into contacts.

Using these tactics to create engaging and helpful content, and then promoting it on social media, will significantly boost your lead-generation efforts. Focusing on your audience’s needs, using an empathetic tone and including a clear call to action will make your content more impactful, inspiring more of your readers to take the next step in the customer journey.

Utilise Paid Social Media Ads

Paid social media ads are one of the most effective ways to generate leads from social platforms. When done right, social ads allow you to reach new audiences and drive traffic to your website. Here are some tips for running successful paid social campaigns:

Choose the right ad format

Pick an ad format based on your goals and the platform. For Facebook, try lead, carousel, or video ads. On LinkedIn, use sponsored content and InMail for B2B. On Twitter, go for promoted tweets and account ads. Experiment to find your audience's preference.

Focus on the benefits

Social ads are small, so you need to grab attention quickly. Focus on the key benefits and solutions you provide. Ask yourself, “What’s in it for them?” and make that the focus of your ad copy and imagery. Keep your messaging clear, concise and compelling.

Drive traffic to a landing page

Social ads should send people to a tailored landing page on your website, not your homepage. The landing page should match the offer or solution featured in your ad. Make it easy for visitors to take the next step by including a strong call-to-action, like starting a free trial or downloading an ebook.

Optimise and scale

Analyse ad performance by assessing metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rates, cost per click, and conversions. Increase budgets for successful ads to generate more leads. Improve or pause underperforming ads. For B2B SaaS companies, strategic paid social media advertising effectively expands reach and lead generation. Consistent testing and optimisation refine your approach for better results on social media.

Use Social Media Management Tools to Streamline Efforts

Social media management tools can help streamline your B2B SaaS lead-generation efforts on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Using a tool to schedule and automate posts, engage with your audience, and analyse performance will make your social media marketing much more efficient and effective.

Automate Scheduling

Posting consistently is key to social media success, but doing it manually can be tedious and time-consuming. You can plan and schedule content weeks or even months ahead so you never miss an opportunity to post. These tools allow you to reuse and repurpose content to maximise your efforts. They also provide suggested times to post based on when your audience is most active.

Analyse Performance

Leverage social media analytics to enhance your strategy. Examine metrics like impressions, engagements, clicks, conversions, and effective content types and posting times. Identify impactful hashtags and analyse follower demographics. These data-driven insights enhance your social media marketing.

Track and Measure Results

To determine if your social media marketing tactics are effective, you need to track key metrics and analyse the results. Some of the most important metrics to monitor include:

Reach - The number of unique users who saw your posts. A higher reach means more people are seeing your content.

Engagement - How people are interacting with your posts through likes, comments, shares, clicks, etc. High engagement shows your audience is interested and receptive to your content.

Traffic - The amount of traffic being driven to your website from social media. See if people who engage with your posts are clicking through to your site.

Leads - The number of leads generated from social media. This is the ultimate goal, so track how many leads came from specific social networks and campaigns.

There are a few ways to track these metrics:

Built-in analytics - Most social media platforms provide analytics on your posts and profiles. Check engagement, reach, traffic, and leads for your posts.

Google Analytics - Connect your website and social media accounts to see how much traffic is being referred from social networks. You can also set up goals to track leads from social media.

Third-party tools - Use a tool like Hootsuite, Sprout Social or Buffer to get enhanced analytics and reporting across all your social accounts in one place. They provide metrics on reach, engagement, traffic, leads and more.

Once you have the data, analyse what’s working and not working. See which types of content and networks are driving the most traffic and leads. Look for trends and patterns over time. Make adjustments to your social media strategy based on the insights from your analytics.

Continuously optimising your strategy based on real data and metrics is key to effective social media marketing. Track the right KPIs, analyze the results, and make improvements to get more leads and grow your business.

Implement these strategies, stay consistent, and watch your lead generation and brand awareness grow over time through the power of social media. 

Nectar is dedicated to assisting your business in securing high-quality leads. We employ a variety of marketing and sales strategies to generate top-notch leads and convert them into paying clients. Our agency specialises in crafting personalised lead-generation strategies designed to align with your specific business goals and target audience.

We harness the power of email marketing, social media advertising, SEO, and more. With our expertise, extensive experience, and access to cutting-edge tools, we remain at the forefront of industry trends and best practices to help you stay competitive in today's market.

In the competitive landscape of business-to-business lead generation, our services are indispensable for your business's success. By availing yourself of specialised services like ours, your business can streamline its lead acquisition process, tap into expert knowledge, and unlock its maximum revenue potential.

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