Lunch & Learn Playbook

Publish Date:
March 25, 2024
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B2B relationships, especially in enterprise sales, are more important than ever. But with overflowing inboxes, endless cold calls and unsolicited LinkedIn connection requests, getting in touch with key prospects can feel impossible.

At Nectar, we meet key decision makers everyday. Lunch & learn is a strategic approach that goes beyond traditional lead generation, bringing your ideal customers face-to-face for 2 hours of meaningful relationship building. It is sales & marketing made personal; paving the way for trust, brand awareness, and ultimately, sales conversion.

Here's what you'll find in our Lunch & Learn playbook:

  1. Market Mapping:
    • What is Market Mapping?
    • Define Your Value Proposition
    • Identify Your Key Accounts
    • Expand on Your Buyer Persona and Pain Points
    • How to Map Your Buying Committee
  2. Logistics & Planning:
    • How to Craft Your Big Message
    • Strategies for Venue and Event Date Selection
    • How Gifts and Collaterals Impacts Your Luncheon
    • Strategies for Filling Your Lunches with Your ICP
    • How to Run an Outreach Campaign
    • Lead Sourcing Strategy
    • Instructions for Building Your Own Sequence
  3. Manual and Guide for Day of Luncheon:
    • Manual for Day of Event
    • Strategic Seating Arrangements
    • Guide on Talking Points
    • Guide on Follow Ups

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