How to attract New Prospects

Publish Date:
December 20, 2023
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Clearly, a prospect who knows what they want is more desirable than one who is window shopping. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to convince a prospect that your services are what they need. So, how to attract new prospects who are ready to buy? Here are some guidelines to speed up your next deal!

1. Content is king

Content generates traffic. People are constantly going online, looking for answers to their questions, looking for a quick fix to their problems and ways to grow their business. Creating content that’s centered around their concerns will be able to attract prospects that are ready to give your services a go. To be more engaging, create content that your buyer would resonate with. Provide insight to the questions that they might have and deliver information that they need.

These days, videos work best for social media. But venturing into other forms of content might be the way for you to stand out from your competitors. Create content in formats that suit your business; you can start a blogpost, prepare visuals like infographics or memes. Important note: make your posting schedule consistent to increase traffic, give people a reason to visit your site.

2. SEO

What is the point of creating content if people can't find it? Utilise SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) make sure your content shows up at the top of search engine results pages. Make use of meta description and choose your keywords wisely to boost your website traffic. Do some research on keywords or hire a SEO agency to do the work for you. When your SEO strategies live up to the standards, you will be flooded with new prospects — get ready!

3. Referral

Nothing is better than a happy customer, good words are the most effective marketing tool. Utilise the existing client that you have and ask for referrals when the time is right. In fact, if you manage to over-deliver your services, good words tend to spread around without you noticing. Make time for your clients, catch up with them. Share valuable content or information for their business, nurture them and make sure they will talk about your company with their network!

4. Follow up

It is important to keep in touch with your existing customers. Make sure that they are happy with your company. Consistent follow-up is reliable ways to maintain relationship and display your determination. It gives customers a chance to be heard. Sometimes, we tend to focus too much on getting new customers that we neglect existing customers, we forget they are the greatest assets we have. It’s part of our job to make customers feel special and acknowledge!

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